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Contact Me: a scene that is terribly to the point

INT. Squid Ink Ice Cream Parlor - DAY


Interested Party

Hey Kam, you seem like a hard working creative with 8+ years of video work and editing experience.


Hi 'Interested Party', you are correct I am an experienced director, video editor, and producer. Are you interested in working together in the future?


Interested Party

Interested just happens to be my first name! How can I contact you to discuss future media production ventures or third party employment?



I am so glad you asked! Simply scroll down to the form listed below this conversation, fill it out and I'll be sure to respond within 2-3 business days.


Interested Party

Wow so easy!! I will fill out the form below once I finish my squid ink ice cream.



Awesome, feel free to ask a casual question or submit a formal employment request. I look forward to reading your response!


   ~ End Scene ~

    (I warned you:)

Post Production in Process

Contact Me

Thanks for submitting!

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